Innovative endodontic care to fix your broken tooth. tooth injury. failed root canal. tooth abscess. tooth pain.
Whether you need a root canal, relief from a cracked tooth, or you’ve experienced a traumatic injury to the oral region, Hometown Endodontics offers a wide range of services to help you heal. Plus, we work directly with your dentist to get you treated quickly.
Our core priorities are comfort, value, care and respect.
Our core priorities are comfort, value, care and respect.
Looking for the best endodontist for you? You found us.
We know you have options for your dental care, and frankly, it can be confusing to figure out when they need a dentist and when they need us - an endodontist.
An endodontist specializes in treating tooth pain, disease, or infection. We’re concerned with what’s happening inside your tooth. And while yes, we do a lot of root canals, we also do so much more!
Cutting-edge endodontic technology
Our state-of-the-art endodontic technology helps us provide innovative, high-quality patient care, decreasing the need for multiple treatment visits, minimizing the surgical site for less discomfort and promoting faster healing times.
Dr. Epkey incorporates the use of cone beam CT (CBCT) technology into her endodontic practice with the use of the Carestream 8100 3D system. This technology aids in her commitment providing innovative, high-quality, patient care.
Rather than relying on a 2D image to represent a 3D object, CBCT accurately displays complex dental anatomy such as periapical lesions, calcified canals, and additional hidden canals. It also shows surrounding structures without the limitations of a flat 2D image.
CBCT offers many advantages in endodontics. The images are acquired as high-resolution 3D volumetric data, so endodontists can interact with the software to ensure superior visualization of the relationships between teeth and their surroundings. This makes it an ideal adjunctive tool in endodontic diagnosis, treatment planning, and guidance, as well as evaluating teeth post-treatment. This technology may also decrease the need for multiple treatment visits.
Dr. Epkey utilizes the Zeiss OPMI pico microscopes for examinations, treatments & surgeries. This technology allows her to:
use magnification up to 12.5x wide-field view
use fiber optics LED illumination for a more clear and accurate view
aid in locating additional canals
improve the ability to clean the canals
assist in retreatment of broken instruments
assess accurate depth
improve detection of root fractures or abnormalities
minimize the surgical site for less discomfort & faster healing.
Our patient chairs provide heat and massage, customizable up to six different settings. This allows our patients to be much more relaxed & comfortable.
We get it. You’ve likely already seen your dentist, and you’re past ready for pain relief. We’ll do our best to get you scheduled quickly so you can get back to living life - pain free.
Our Process
If you’re experiencing any kind of tooth pain or have had a previous root canal or procedure and feel like you may need another one, it’s best to start with a visit to your dentist.
If your dentist believes you need endodontic care, he/she can refer you to our office. Just be sure to let them know you’d like to go to Hometown Endodontics!
Once you and your dentist agree that a visit with us is needed, we’ll get you scheduled. Typically, your dentist will handle the referral and we’ll work with you to get your appointment scheduled. However, you’re welcome to contact us and check on the appointment status, as well.
Once you’re scheduled for your visit, we’ll take care of everything. Feel free to direct financial questions to our team or to contact us in advance of your appointment if there’s anything you need.